Mike Matusow

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Mike the Mouth Matusow served 6 months in jail After much back and forth with the district attorney’s office, a potential deal was offered. In April of 2004, his high powered Las Vegas attorney, David Chesnoff, negotiated a plea deal in which Matusow would serve six months. Mike “The Mouth” Matusow had a Mike Matusow day at the 2020 World Series of Poker Online this past weekend. But even after threatening violence upon a player who had the audacity to beat him. Michael Matusow is an American professional poker player, residing in Henderson, Nevada. Matusow’s nickname of “The Mouth” reflects his reputation for trash-talking at the poker table. Mike 'The Mouth' Matusow has won 4 bracelets and 0 rings for total earnings of $4,281,704. See all events where they placed in-the-money. Mike Matusow (born Michael Matusow) was born on April 30, 1968 in Los Angeles, California. He is also known by his nickname 'The Mouth', because he tends to trash-talk a lot around the poker tables. Matusow is also known around the poker tables for playing great poker for hours or even days, but then he always snaps and makes a huge mistake.

If you're looking for Mike Matusow's net worth in 2021, then check out how much money Mike Matusow makes and is worth today below. By collecting data from the most accurate and reputable resources, we've compiled a collection of the richest celebrities and their net worths.

How Much Is Mike Matusow Worth?

In 2021, Mike Matusow's net worth was estimated to be $8 Million.
Net Worth:

As one of the richest celebrities in the world, people are always wondering how much money Mike Matusow has or makes. While it's impossible to calculate the exact amount Mike Matusow is worth, we can use publicly available information such as salary, investments, businesses, endorsements, and other income to estimate a net worth for 2021.

Who Is Mike Matusow?

Age: 52
Mike matusow girlfriend annie lepagePlace of Birth: Los Angeles
Profession/Source of Wealth:Mike MatusowProfessional Poker Player
Categories:Richest Celebrities
Country: United States of America
Nicknames:Mike matusow twitterMike matusow net worth Michael Matusow, The Mouth
Net Worth: $8 MillionMatusow

Fans, please take into consideration that we didn't break into Mike Matusow’s bank accounts. The Mike Matusow net worth and salary figures above have been reported from a number of credible sources and websites. However, there are several factors that affect a celebrity’s net worth, such as taxes, management fees, investment gains or losses, marriage, divorce, etc.

Therefore, the above worth, income or earnings statistics may not be 100% accurate. We respect other people’s privacy, so please don’t stalk celebrities or hack anyone’s account and send us the information – we will pretend not to know you. =)

Mike Matusow Arrested

Mike “The Mouth” Matusow had a Mike Matusow day at the 2020 World Series of Poker Online this past weekend. But even after threatening violence upon a player who had the audacity to beat him in a hand, even after a little demonstration of misogyny, and even after just generally being a complete asshole, Caesars Entertainment and the WSOP will not hand down any sort of discipline.

WSOP throws its hands up

In a message to PocketFives, WSOP executive director Ty Stewart cited the “slippery slope” of potentially regulating content of a personal stream, “particularly as each of these third-party platforms have their own escalation procedures.”

“We reserve the right to suspend the account of any individual going forward, but in this case, it appears the player had the perfect response to resolve the situation herself,” he added.

Never mind that plenty of esports leagues and teams have had no problem suspending or firing a player for things said in a non-competition Twitch stream. Doesn’t seem like anyone has slipped down any sort of slope.

But it’s the internet

If Matusow had gone on his rant at the live World Series of Poker, he would most certainly have been punished somehow, though since he was eliminated within two hands, some of those disciplinary options would have been off the table (no pun intended). Thus, it is odd that the WSOP, which has hyped the WSOP Online as being a legitimate version of the World Series of Poker, bracelets and all, is now treating it differently because the players are not interacting in person.

Mike Matusow

The WSOP made what is probably the correct decision in disabling chat on WSOP.com during the Series “in order to create a safe gaming experience for players,” but that admirable goal is kind of tossed to the curb when players can just go ahead and threaten each other via other means of communication.

It was a bad scene

Mike Matusow Youtube

To review, on his first hand of the 2020 WSOP Online Event #5, Matusow moved all-in with A-Q on a Ten-high flop, only to be called by a player named “wolverine17,” who had Aces. Aces won, Matusow was eliminated on the next hand, and he went off on his live YouTube stream, primarily because he thought wolverine17 was slowrolling him (the player gasps actually thought about their decision).

“This motherf**ker,” he said. “I’m gonna f**k him right in his f**king ass, man. Mark that name down, ‘wolverine17.’ What the f**k is wrong with these f**king people?”

Mike Matusow Twitter

And here’s where he threatens physical violence: “I am going to find out who this motherf**ker is, and I swear to you, I am going to throw him up against the f**king wall, and tell him if you ever slowroll me again, I’m going to beat your f**king ass.”

There’s a lot more, like when he rants a couple times about wolverine17 probably being a “leftist,” whatever the hell that irrelevant political swerve is supposed to mean.

Matusow went on to ask viewers to doxx his opponent, to make the person’s identity known. Someone did, which is entirely out of bounds, but in the end, because wolverine17 cashed, the WSOP posted her name in the standings, so it didn’t matter.

Oh yes, wolverine17 is a woman named Megan Milburn. So because of that, Matusow switched to calling her a c**t. Nice.

Milburn, to her credit, simply responded to him on Twitter by saying, ““Lol it wasn’t intentional! The next one might be tho”

Mike Matusow Blowups

Matusow apologized publicly and allegedly privately.